Letters of Gratitude: Letters to Military Members
As the wife of a man who deploys with no communication with me or any of the outside world, I often ponder on the sacrifice of those who fearlessly choose service over self. What I can't say to my husband during those long months of silence, I'll write to you here:
Thank you. I don't say it enough, and there aren't words to express the depth of my gratitude.
I am so proud of you. For always doing whatever it takes to fulfill your duty, to honor your commitment, to uphold your oath. I am proud of your selflessness that allows you to put others above your family, myself, and even your own desires and safety; for your knowledge that some things are worth fighting and even dying for.
I am grateful for a man who loves his home and his country so deeply that he is willing to live apart from her and her bounty to preserve and protect her. I am thankful for he who embraces the necessity of war to keep that which is most sacred safe.
I am humbled by your sacrifice from the long days and the late nights, for every TDY and each day of every deployment. For the hot and the cold, for the tiring and dirty days, for the tasteless food and crowded bunks and endless flights. For running into battle when it would be so much easier to walk away. For having the strength to pull yourself from your wife's clinging embrace, the trembling of your young son's lip as he tearfully whispers, please don't leave, daddy, and the chubby cheeks of the infant daughter you know won't be a baby when you return.
I am forever indebted to you for protecting our life and liberty. From the depths of my being, the wholeness of my heart, and the fullness of my gratitude thank you.
Dear Soldier,
It's hard to thank someone for giving me the freedom to live the life God has so graciously given to me.
Thank you for everything you do daily to protect this country, and for that I am forever grateful. You have given up so much for this country, and I personally believe that is something that cannot be repaid. Most soldiers I know believe having a free country is payment enough. I think that's what makes you all so great, you give so much and do not expect anything back. I recognize the selflessness you've demonstrated with your willingness to serve our country.
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. It is no secret that your training, or any part to being a soldier is easy. I always knew it was a lot of work, but I never realized how much it really was until my my son joined the US Army.
Thank you for your bravery, strength, hard work, commitment, dedication and willingness to do the hard things that are required of you day in and day out. You've given up everything to fight for US, that is something I don't take lightly. So, thank you for everything that you do.
God Bless you & may God Bless America,
A PROUD mother of a US Solider
To a most brave and precious soul:
I want to thank you for the sacrifice you make each and every day defending what I truly believe is the greatest country in the world. Having lived abroad for many years, I know how lucky Americans are to sleep beneath the blanket of freedom and security her brave men and women in the military provide, and I am grateful every day that you have the fortitide and dedication to give so much to make that happen.
I pray for your safety and for your families to find comfort and pride in the sacrifice you all make together, for all of the families lucky enough to call America home.
May God bless you and keep you and may America stand strong and bright as a symbol of freedom for all time.
With a grateful heart
Lindsay Trapp
To my son...
How thankful I am for your service to protect our nation and all its families who live free. You serve with honor ...against those who have no honor.
You have worked hard for years to be come the leader you are and proven yourself under many difficult arenas to be strong physically... and mentally. Your positivity draws us to pray for you and your comrades in all circumstances. Always know how proud we are for the values you continue to uphold in these most concerning times.
American pride is mine .. all because you are the patriot son of this family.
Love forever¸
I want to start off by saying I am a Desert Storm Honorably Discharged Navy Veteran. Having folks back home supporting me and my shipmates was most important. Now, I want to thank all members of our military ensuring our safety. When I see a military members in uniform I say thank you, two simple words.
My name is Beth Fish and I'm an insurance agent in a small town In WV. I want to thank you for your service to our country.
I never fully understood the sacrifices you and your families make until I moved to Germany for 5 years with my civil servant husband. Although it's fun to go to Europe on vacation, staying for years, separated from your loved ones back in the states, is so hard. I stayed behind with military spouses while you men and women went on a remote, or had to go back yet again to Saudi, Afghanistan, Turkey .... I laughed with them at Bunco, cried with them when they hadn't seen or heard from you for a long while and helped them with their kids who were missing a parent and feeling sad.
My father and his father served in our great military and I'm proud to say I have a deeper appreciation than most for your sacrifices and I'm so so grateful for you. I pray for you everyday.
Good bless end God speed!
Dear Chelsie,
I'm so proud that you have recently joined the Army!! It takes a lot of courage and guts to do so at this time in our country. I have never been more proud of my beautiful niece than I am now. Also I have a nephew, sister, and niece in-law that have bravely served!! I applaud and I thank you!! And to ALL military people... thank you for keeping us safe and for all of your sacrifices!! We wouldn't be free today without you!!
Dear Fellow Military Member,
Please accept my heartfelt thanks on this National Day of the Deployed. As a veteran of the United States Air Force, I've "been there, done that." Just know your courage, bravery, and sacrifice is truly appreciated every day, not just on October 26th.
Thank you for all you do, and most of all, for carrying on the military tradition.
Brenda L. Paulson
Capt, USAF
Dear Military Member,
I would like to personally thank you for your service and commitment to the United States. It takes a very brave and strong person to serve our country both stateside and abroad. Your family and loved ones are waiting for your return. Again, Thank You for your service. Sincerely, K.B.
I can't thank you enough for fighting for our freedom. You put your life on the line every day and a Thank You doesn't seem enough.
You sacrifice your life back at home and should know I am proud of you and what you stand for...FREEDOM...that is what you stand for.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. May God bless you always and His holy angels surround you to keep you safe.
It is with the utmost respect to you & your entire family that I salute the sacrifices you make every day on our country's behalf. Not only the soldiers - but the families that are left behind to support & carry on daily life, our heartfelt thanks. Forever grateful.
We have the distinct privilege of recording and sharing the stories of soldiers from all ages and countries worldwide. But we remain in particular awe of soldiers such as you who protect the world's freest nation, this constitutional republic, from those who would do it harm. Thank you for your service. God bless you and your family.
Hello -
I want you to know that you are appreciated, admired, and amazing! I feel protected knowing you are there. I feel proud that you chose to serve. Please take care of yourself and stay safe.
Thank you for your service!
To the select few: As an old Viet infantry Vet I am continually awed by the stamina, bravery, and integrity of our front line forces. We've been at this Mideast thing for over 17 years (that's almost an entire career) and still you continue to go back, time after time. Few Americans ever have the opportunity to display this level of commitment to our country. So stand tall, be proud, never give up, never give in. To take part of a Churchill quote..."never have so many owed so much to so few." God Bless You All.
With utmost Respect,
Thank you for serving our great country and keeping us safe. Allowing us to enjoy the freedoms we do.
Everyday I am thankful to you who serve this country selflessly. Your sacrifice is greatly appreciated. Be safe.
Dear Service Member,
To be free in the USA is because of all you do for our nation in foreign lands to keep us safe and sound. I always an thankful for this free country we live in. Keep your spirit high and know that many people in the USA are thankful for all that you do.
Thanks , B.R.
Thank you for being America's protector. You are the guardian angel for all of us. You are out there every day, putting yourself in harm, to keep us all safe. God bless you and your family.
Thank you.
To you who are deployed,
Words alone cannot describe my heartfelt thanks to you for your service. You are on the front lines and all I can give you in return is my thanks and prayer. I pray God keep you safe. I pray God fully equip you both mentally and physically and comfort you when you need Him most. The great I Am, the Alpha the Omega, the beginning and the end. May He bless you and yours and keep you safe. Thank you for my continued freedom. Thank you for your service to our country and for all the personal sacrifices made while serving our nation. As a Military Retiree, I know how important each of your missions are and I want to say that I am grateful for your service and all that you do.
Staff Sergeant R.T. De Coster
U.S. Army (Retired).
I come from a family with many members who have served our country's military, including my spouse. I know that your job requires a lot of sacrifice, a lot of hard work, and dedication. None of that comes easy. It all requires a choice and effort. You have chosen to fight against the enemy, to support those around you, and to strengthen our country's freedom. No one else can or will ever know exactly what you have endured or what you will face in your future. It is your story. You are like a single thread woven in the flag of freedom. You are important. You matter. You are appreciated. Thank you for choosing to serve.
Hey Soldier,
I just want you to know that you rock. I know you're serving somewhere right now. You probably miss someone, or miss a certain place, or wish for your favorite food! Whatever it is you're missing right now, know that your sacrifice does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Don't forget why you're out there, don't forget to always wear clean socks, and please also thank the person next to you. You rock, soldier!
S, Thank you for your willingness to train and serve to protect our nation and try to bring about peace in other countries. K, Thank you for supporting S. in those efforts. It's not easy to face long deployments but you do it with style and grace. To all your friends in similar situations, Thank you. God Bless and keep you all safe in your mission domestically or internationally.
Please know that there are millions of proud Americans who support you! We are always grateful for your sacrifice and dedication and we wish you the best of luck. God love you and protect you!!
It is with my utmost humble gratitude
for everything that you represent for our blessed America.....
I bow in heartfelt awe.
Dear Service Member,
I have tried to write this letter 3 times now and every attempt just seems so inadequate. I am grateful for you and the commitment that you have made to our country to keep us safe and enjoying the multitude of freedoms that we enjoy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication and valor.
May God bless you and bring you peace each day when you get a chance to rest and know that you are truly appreciated.
Very sincerely,
Dear Sir , Madam:
I would like to thank you for your service and sacrifice you and your family make to keep our country safe and for keeping my family and myself safe. I know thank you doesn't come close for what you and your brothers do. I've always been a huge supporter of the military and your current mission. Thank you and please tell the others serving with you know my feelings. And I also want to thank all branches of the military. God bless you and protect all of you and hope you're all home safely real soon.
John Cullen
Philadelphia Pa.
You're not forgotten. We know you're still out there, separated from your families, often under intolerable circumstances. Be strong. We're waiting for your honorable return home.
Duty, Honor, Country
MIke Smith
MSgt, USAF Ret
How can I possibly express my gratitude to you for giving a part of your life to allow me to keep my freedom and sense of security and safety in a world that is obviously so chaotic? There are no words in the dictionary to accurately express how amazing you are. Brave is not nearly enough. Courageous doesn't do it. Gallant, heroic and even patriotic are not enough to describe your character on their own. But, all of those words together describe you quite well. My heartfelt thanks and gratitude could never be enough to replace the time you have spent away from your family, enough to compensate you for the experiences you have endured, nor enough to make up for the physical and emotional strain caused by your service.
But I give it to you anyway...along with my solemn promise that I will always support any program, platform, and/or piece of legislation that is in the best interest of the US military personnel, US military families, and US military veterans. That my every vote will put military personnel-past, present, and future first and foremost. You have offered to give your life for me and I will do everything in my power to ensure the sacrifices of US military personnel will never go unnoticed nor uncompensated. My prayers and good wishes for you, your brothers and sisters in arms, and your families. Thank you all for your patriotism, your sacrifices, and your selflessness.
Dear Soldier,
God Bless you and thank you so much for choosing to defend our great nation!
It is quite a sacrifice and we need to do more for all of you, especially in pay, benefits, and health care. President Trump sincerely feels this way also.
Please know there are thousands of people praying daily for your safety and we totally APPRECIATE you!!
Thank you again for making us feel safe that you have our backs - we sleep better knowing you are guarding AMERICA.
CL Hanely
INW, Idaho
To our dearest dedicated and most humble heroes ....
No one forced you to join our military you did so because of your unselfish love for this country. That is the reason for this letter. My uncle was a POW in WWII for over 3 years in the Philippines and survived . He never once regretted ever serving in the army. On the contrary he always stated that it was an honor. It's funny because he passed away a few years ago and I always feel his presence around me . He was a very spiritual person and truly loved people and nature. He always said that the true heroes are the ones who are in heaven. He taught all of his children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren and anyone who would listen that no one owes you anything in life but you alone owe it to yourself to leave a legacy of dignity.
May God bless you today and always!
Thank you so very much for your support and service to our country at home and afar! So very proud to be an American especially for each and every brave military person like yourself defending our country! Go USA!!
Dear Military Member,
We will forever be in debt to you and you colleagues for fighting day after day so we can enjoy life the way we choose. I will never understand the bravery it takes to everyday risk your life for others. Freedom is no joke and we should really appreciate it more. Thank you so much!! I'll forever remember all you have done fore me and for this country.
Dear Military Member,
You don't know how thankful I am for you serving in the military. You must be very brave for taking this part in our country. It must be hard on a daily basis.
Dear, Military Member
Thank you so for serving for our country. It means a lot to me and my family for what you have sacrificed in your life. I can't imagine how hard it must be to leave people you love and go fight for our country. Again I am so grateful for what you have done. If it weren't for you, I don't know if my family or I would be here right now.
Sincerely J.L.
Thank you so much! I hope your family is doing well. Your actions are greatly recognized every day. We could not have the privileges we have today without you. Thank you!
Dear Military Member,
I am so thankful of all the work you do! Thank you for serving our country and going into war. Hope you are having a good time it must be hard to do all of that work on a daily bases. Thank you again for serving our country!!
Sincerely, Luke Skillman
Dear Military Member,
Words cannot describe how grateful my fellow Americans and I are for your service. Without you, my family and I would not have the freedom and amazing life that we do today. Please know that we love you, and we are more than thankful for what you are doing for this country and its people.
Thank you for serving our country, and making everything that we have now possible. It is unbelievable that brave men and women like you help serve our country. I hope you and your family are doing well.
Thank you for being one of those brave people.
Dear Military Member,
Thank you so much for the sacrifice you have made to serve the country. I am so thankful for everything you have done. I would not be in this peaceful country if it wasn't for you.
Thank you.
Dear Service Member and your family,
Thank you will never be enough for all that you do and sacrifice! I do not take my freedom for granted and am thankful everyday for the brave men and women and their families who protect my freedom.
I pray everyday for your safety and protection during your deployment and service.
As your parents we find ourselves conflicted with pride for serving our country and concern for your safety. We are very proud of you and your decision to serve this county. You are making a difference in the lives of people who do not have the many blessings and freedoms we have in this country. And for that we are very proud. Stay safe Wade. We love you and are waiting anxiously for your return.
mom and dad
My Dear Son Jason,
I write to say the I could not be prouder of you and your commitment. But while this is a personal note to you, it is also meant for all those who serve, from all of us moms who proudly worry.
I know that you are now on a hospital ship "safely" touring South America. But the world is a dangerous and uncertain place. So, I know that you chose to be at risk to serve a higher calling than even your "regular" nursing career.
We will miss you greatly at Thanksgiving. But we will set a place for you nonetheless, to beckon you home safe, sound and soon! And we will have much to be thankful for... your unflagging dedication, unassuming strength, quiet cheerfulness, and--most of all--basic humanity in a nasty time.
Curare aegra permarinum and semper fortis!
To my son Mitchell - Your are the epitome of a what a sailor and a son should be.
I am so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for all you do and all the sacrifices you have made for this country.
Love you more than you know,
I want to honor you for all your years of service and the deployments you have been on over the past 23 years. As your wife, it is always difficult to see you go. However, it makes me proud to call you my husband knowing the many sacrifices you have made not only for our family but our country too.
You are an amazing husband, father, son and service man.
I love you with all my heart,
Your loving wife Susie
Saying "Thank You" is such a small token of appreciation but it reflects so much.
Your sacrifice is so appreciated. What you do everyday to help all Americans have this wonderful country is remarkable. When I think of what you stand for my heart swells with pride. THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU.
Dear Service Member,
THANK YOU for everything you have sacrificed to serve our country. I do not take my freedom for granted and I'm grateful every day there are people like you who put their lives on the line.
I don't know you personally, but I feel the sacrifice you and your family offer up every day. You are making a difference.
Forever I'll be grateful.
God bless you and the U.S.A.
Dear Service Member,
Thank you for your service. Your sacrifices as well as those of your families and friends make me proud to be an American.
Mary N.
Dear Service Member,
Thank you for your service. Your sacrifices as well as those of your families and friends make me proud to be an American.
Mary N.
I want to thank both of our sons for serving in the US Army. You both serve with honor and your dad and I are very proud of both of you. Thank you for your sacrifice and service to our nation to protect us. Prayers for a safe return to our son presently serving in Iraq. Praise to one of our daughter in laws who is a Riveter. Not only is she a mom of three but also works very hard every day for R.Riveter!
Thank you for your service/sacrifice and protecting our beliefs in freedom. You are always in our prayers for your safe return to family and friends.
Dear Men and Women serving our country,
Thank you for your service and God bless you and your families. These words don't express my affection for military members and your families nearly enough. Your service is the backbone of America. Without you we would not live in freedom.
May God wrap his arms around your and protect you from harm. May he bless your loved ones with peace as they wait your return.
Greetings from home...
I'm a military mom with a son currently on a deployment. I know the sacrifice you're making and just wanted you to know I'm grateful. I know your family and friends feel the same. You're not forgotten. I wear red every Friday to help remember everyone deployed. It's a very small gesture, I know, but it reminds me to keep perspective. Sending all positive vibes, support and encouragement to you. Thank you for your service and sacrifice every day.
Rose Larsen
My grandson Wesley and all his buddies.I am proud of each and every one of you. You guys have had each other's back for a while now. Thank you all for everything you do for our country. God be with each of you. Wesley I am proud of your bravery that earned your achievement award. To each if you I love you all and hope you will soon be back in the States.
To my three Marines - you left home at 17 to serve and now, 21, 20, and 20 years old you have deployed all over the world. You are my heart and soul, and I think of you every minute of every day, hoping you are safe and well. My heart breaks to think of you alone for yet another holiday, on foreign soil, and I simply cannot wait to have our whole family together again. You have not chosen an easy path, are indescribably brave and selfless, and your sacrifice has not gone unnoticed. I love you with my whole heart.
Be strong, stay safe, come home.
Love, mom
My son, I am so proud of you and the fact that you have given 3 years (with more to come) to serve our great country. Your dad would be extremely proud of you too. This is your first deployment and I'm very anxious for you to get back to land and you just left. You wanted to travel and see the world so this is your opportunity.
Know that we love you and are anxiously awaiting your return.
Mom, Henry, Caroline, and George
I have two people in my life to be thankful for. First, my husband for having served 22 years in the Navy and our son who is currently serving our country today. I am forever grateful for their dedication and service and will always have their back.