Meet the Rosie: Jessie M

Name: Jessie M
Year started at R.Riveter: 2016
Position: Retail Store Manager
Military Affiliation: Army Spouse
Current Base: Ft Bragg

Describe your job in five words or less: 

Having fun & interacting!

A typical day in the work life:

A typical day is holding down the fort at the Flagship store.

Coffee Order:

Raspberry/Vanilla Latte w/ Soy

Typical Work Jam:

Anything from Destiny's Child

Favorite R.Riveter Product:

The Otto is my absolute favorite handbag!

Favorite R.Riveter Marketplace Item:

I love the Charliemadision bracelets!

First Job:

First job was at a library, but best job was a late night hotdog stand, talk about entertainment!

Growing up you wanted to be:

An artist

What advice would you give your younger self?

Be you, embrace what makes you unique.

Best thing about the R.Riveter Community?

We are truly a family. We work hard together to make the magic happen, but also support each other through everyday life.

What are you "in it" for? 

I love being a part of something bigger. This company understands the power behind community and how we are truly stronger and more effective together than we are apart.