Ronda S. / RR062

Name: Ronda S
Year started at R.Riveter: 2016 
Position: Liner Riveter
Military Affiliation: Army 
Current Base: Ft. McCoy, WI

How many moves with the military?
Why did you want to become a Riveter?
My husband brought home a card and I looked up R.Riveter's website. I just fell in love with the mission. Sewing is a beloved hobby of mine and I thought constructing handbags was a neat concept. 
What is one of your favorite things about being a Riveter? 
As a Remote Riveter I like that I am able to spend time with my family (when they are in town) and not have to worry about work. 
How has R.Riveter impacted your life?
R.Riveter has helped me to provide for my family while doing something I love.
What does it mean to you to wear many hats - military spouse, maker, parent (to humans or animals), etc?
To me, wearing many hats is an amazing thing. I'm always learning new things about myself and things around me. 
Tell us about a typical "day in the work-life."
 My typical day starts with making sure my fur babies are ready for the day. I then get ready for my job that I work on post, where I sew on name tapes and badges for soldiers. I come home and make dinner. After dinner, I sit down and watch some TV with my husband or spend time downstairs in my craft room working on liners for R.Riveter. 
What's on your "work jams" playlist?
Anything classic rock or heavy metal.
What is your favorite R.Riveter product?
My favorite handbag is the original Ladybird. I carry it more than any other bag I have.
What is your favorite R.Riveter Marketplace product?
I love Bottle Breachers. They make excellent gifts for military men. 

Tell us three fun facts about you.
1. I got married at the age of 17 and I'm still married. 
2. I have a big heart for those who do not have a voice, like animals. 
3. I used to be a very shy person, but after my husband came back into the military I opened up more. 

Growing up, you wanted to be...
I have always wanted a ton of land so that I could open my own no-kill shelter.


Ronda S. / RR062