Happy Birthday R. Riveter

In honor of

turning 11 on 11/11

we're taking a look back at the milestones. 

11 years!
11 Years in business!
Cheryl - RR007
10 Years of hard work from our longest working Riveter – Cheryl D. AKA RR007.
9 years
For 9 Months Lisa and Cameron were at the same location in Dahlonega, Ga while their husbands were stationed together at Camp Merrill as Ranger Instructors.
8 years
Its been 8 years since we opened the doors to our first retail store on 111 Bennett St. Southern Pines
7 years
7 - the number of bags we launched at out first market show, that’s items not styles 😉
6 margots
The number of options you can buy our brand new Margot tote in right now (hello brand new Nylon!!)
5 years
Number of Sharks we pitched to in the tank and landed a great one (thanks Mark!) in 2016.
4 years
The number of Generations we’ve had of the Otto bag (our best seller!)
3 years
3 weeks after started talking about the idea we bought our first industrial sewing machine
2 years
2 weeks - the amount of time it took for Lisa and Cameron to hand sew their first bag- a dopp kit that Lisa's husband still uses today.  
of many one
1 Riveter Nation, We are stronger together than we are apart.

Happy Birthday R. Riveter