7 No-Fail Tips to Help You Achieve Your Dreams

Don’t we all want to crack that nut on what it takes to get the most out of life, whether it’s our relationships or our career? What is the secret to getting things to fall into place like you want them to?
It happens so naturally to some people, like my friend Jane. Good things happen to her all the time. She’s the person that gets a free bottle of champagne just for chatting up the flight attendant; or the great job when she isn’t even looking for one. She’s makes you happy just by being around her, and that, in and of itself, is motivating. How does she do it? How do all those other successful people you know do it?
It’s so obvious, really. After you read through the following tips you’re going to say, “Well, I could have told you that!” Yet, sometimes the most obvious things are the ones that get overlooked or ignored, especially when our moods swing up and down, or we get busy.
Remind yourself of these seven “Be’s” every day. Work on those that don’t come naturally to you. You will be amazed at the difference it makes on both your perspective and how others relate to you. Ultimately, they will empower you to get the most of out life.
- Be Positive. Keep your glass half full. Make the most of where you are at any moment, even if it isn't the ‘garden of your choice’. You hear it so often, yet it can never be repeated enough. Optimism builds people up. Cheerfulness is infectious and puts people at ease, creating an environment that people want to be a part of. And don't forget to smile!
- Be Enthusiastic. Approach your work and relationships with energy and vigor. The positive energy you put into your work and relationships is also contagious and helps you accomplish the task at hand more effectively
- Be Social. This doesn't mean you have to be the center of attention or a social butterfly, but it does mean that you need to make time for people. Build relationships and foster them often. Always remember to say thank you and show your appreciation.
- Be Communicative. There is no substitute for effective communication. Never assume people know what you’re thinking. You need to clearly articulate your thoughts. Similarly, you also want others to be comfortable communicating with you. It is a two-way process that needs to be continuous.
- Be purposeful. Know what you want and take the initiative to achieve it. What is your mission? Your goals? If you don’t have a purpose, life will just push you along in any direction, and it may or may not be the direction you want.
- Be humble. Humility does not mean that you aren’t confident in your abilities or who you are. It means that you recognize the goodness and value in others. It is one of those essential qualities that works in quietly powerful ways to inspire people.
- Be selfless. Look out for the other person first. This can be as simple as holding the door open for someone and letting them enter first or taking the time to help someone out before taking care of your own business. It will inspire those around you to do likewise.
Story by: Suzanne Helene Himes
Photography by: Abi Ray