Purple Heart Day: A Letter from the Founders

R.Riveter is a consistent space that allows women to be bold, vulnerable, and to grow in strength. What we love most about R.Riveter is our light-hearted and tight-knit culture that inspires people across the nation to follow our lead.  


As we observe Purple Heart Day, we are proud to know those who are part of Riveter Nation will be standing with all military families and inviting them into a space of reverence. We reflect on the heroic stories we have heard and hope to never forget the families behind those who have given all for our freedom.  


This is a day to uplift those who have sacrificed immensely while serving our country. We recognize that for many of these servicemembers and families, this can be a solemn day that evokes many emotions. While rewarding moments may reflect in their minds, there too comes the reality of past traumas. We remind you to be tender to those who have had this honor bestowed upon them and to thank these brave men and women for their servitude.  


Riveter Nation is proud to come together to honor these heroes.  

Purple Heart Day: A Letter from the Founders