Letters of Gratitude: Letters to Military Spouses


Hey there fellow Military Spouse, 

I see you over there wearing multiple hats. I see you juggling this thing called life- military life. 

Though you aren't the one wearing a uniform, you are vital to your Soldier. You are part of the team. 

I see you doing all the things even when it's tough. Remember to give yourself grace. 

Sweet friend you are rocking this life. I appreciate your sacrifice as a spouse and keeping it together while your Soldier is away. I appreciate you being the calm to your Soldier. 

I see you holding down the fort! 


Ashley Mercado


Thank you for your sacrifice for the country. A strong and supportive spouse helps the solider deployed able to focus on the mission.

Continue to be strong and know we are proud of you and your solider.


Thank you for the support you give to your military spouse. I retired from the military with over 21 years of service. I didn't realize how much my wife did to support my military career until I retired and discovered how much I missed on a regular basis, justifying it as it's what the job requires. It did require the time, and fortunately my wife supported me during those times. Thank you for the sacrifices you make so your spouse can fulfill their service to our country.



Dear Military Spouse,

Thank you seems to simple to say. I offer my gratitude for your commitment to these United States of America. I have no idea how difficult it is to be a spouse of one who is in a foreign country fighting for our freedoms here but wanted you to know that I appreciate you and admire you!

Wishing you a great week!



To my dear daughter-in-law...
Being newly married brings many new adaptations... but being a military spouse is sacrificial soldiering as well. ...we are so blessed to have you in our family and to be the great support to our son and his fellow soldiers with each days work. He makes you proud but you make him .. and us proud as well.
We pray for you ....that you are safe and strong in your support .... as it is set before you.
We are fortunate that your spirit shines for our son... yours and our families, friends, coworkers, and all within your circle at this time.
With our gratitude and love.


Dear Military Spouse,

Your nation is thankful for your service even though you are under cover and 99% of your sacrifices are unseen. You are stronger than you feel, wiser than you know, and more squared away than your civilian spouse counterparts. Embrace the suck, love and lean on your friends, and remember you can do all things with confidence and a bottle of wine.

Don't be good - Be Great!

Love your Fellow Spouse/Semper Fi,


I want to take the time to let you know you are doing a fabulous job!! You are currently going through the 3rd deployment since you've been married. I know this is the longest one yet. You are being mom, dad, teacher, and many more to your precious 5 children!! You amaze me everyday with your patience, multitasking, and love for your husband and family. I have so much gratitude for Abel as he serves our country and you as you serve on the home front! I know this last year has been tough as you lost your mama & best friend to her battle with breast cancer. I know she is so very proud of you, never doubt that!! You never cease to amaze me with how strong you are! You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for!! Abel is blessed to have such a strong woman by his side!! I am blessed to call you my best friend! I wish I could do more for you, but I'm writing this so you know how much you are loved. Keep up the great work!! Love you to infinity!!



Dear MilSo,

You are so very valued. Keep up the good work on running your household, taking care of your daily duties and most importantly taking care of yourself. I know you work hard to keep your spouse and your family happy but don't forget to take time for yourself to just relax. We have such a great opportunity to show what being a military spouse is all about. I hope you are doing well.

with love,



To My Husband,

Thank you for seeing the bigger picture in life and standing in the gap to defend our Nation. You defend our freedoms with humility and true character. You are such an excellent example of a human and man. What an anchor you are to those who know you. You have seen a lot and been challenged in ways most will never fully understand or know. But your family knows. Yet, you choose to look at the good and the positive in this life. I love how you live out your true faith in God for all to see. Thank you for being an amazing person and husband, daddy, brother, son, supporter, lover of freedom & true soldier. I love you more then you will ever know. Stay strong and see you soon.



Dear Military Spouse,

Thank YOU for your service! Thank you for your continued support of your spouse, and for your unending loyalty and love. Thank you for stepping up and facing challenges that was once the task delegated to your spouse. Thank you for holding down the fort, and making sure your spouse has a home to come back to. Thank you for helping to "normalize" things when our boys and girls return. Thank YOU for everything YOU do!

The Gonzalez family



In honor of the Day of the Deployed...know that you are seen. Your sacrifice is noticed. YOU are noticed.  And, regardless of where you are in the deployment and readiness cycle, know that you are fantastically loved. 


To the spouse that continues to move, make a new city home, make new friends, get a new job, be a single parent. 
You are strong, oh so strong!
and appreciated, more than you will ever know!
Your actions and attitude don't go unnoticed.
And today, while we once again salute your service member, we also salute you!
For all that you have done and will do to stand beside them; For the sacrifices you have made; you are truly incredible!
Stay strong!


Dear Spouse,
We want you and your family to know how much we appreciate your commitment to our country, and keeping us safe. I was a Military Spouse, and still after all these years remember those many days when keeping our family moving forward and always being the cheerleader was trying and took so much of my energy. Know that what you do everyday from breakfast to cookies waiting for them when they come home is Important and you are not alone. Praying for you to feel the support from the many of us that have walked before you.


You are brave and stronger than you know. I can't imagine the difficulties you have and will experience. I pray your loved one comes home safe and that you and your family have a wonderful life together.
God bless you and your family.
Thank you for all of your sacrifices.


Dear Spouse,

I want to thank you and your spouse for the service provided to the United States. I can't imagine how you live knowing that your husband or wife may live in harms way everyday of their service. What a sacrifice you both make to help keep me and my family safe. My thanks is not enough. I also send my prayers for your safety & strength.

You are all heroes of this great nation.

Sincerely and God Bless



Dear Military Spouse

As the spouse of a military personnel, I wanted to personally thank you for your time and commitment to your family. I know it is sometimes a hard life, but the strength of the military family is almost always found in the home.

My father was a 32 year career Army NCO. He was deployed in WWII, Korea in '51, Viet Nam in '67 and '69 , and Korea again in '71. We also lived in Japan, Germany and many Army posts throughout the USA. My mother was the strength of the family - raising nine children. She moved us around the world several times and always kept the home fires burning.

My father always said that his strength came from knowing that things were okay at home.

Stay strong, have faith and may God Bless you and your entire family.


Our youngest daughter recently married an army officer. When she met him he was just a college student, a fraternity president, a guy with big dreams. She married him and supported him through boot camp, officers school, and all the things that have come after. They are in the early stages of this life they have chosen. As a parent, our pride is unbelievable. What he is doing for her, their family to come, and our country is beyond anything we could have ever asked of him. And we are also bursting with pride knowing that he couldn't do any of this without her!   Thank you to you and yours for everything! 


Dear Military Spouse,

We want to thank you for the sacrifices you make everyday for your spouse to serve our country In the military. Our daughter is a military spouse and just as we pray for all of her needs to be met as her husband is away, so we pray the same for you. May God bless you, keep your spouse out of harm's way, and return him or her home to you safely every time you part.

The Farish Family


Thank you. Two small words that have so much more behind them.
The spouse is a vital part of the service community that allows the service members the ability to keep our freedom safe and feel safe when they come home.


I cannot imagine your hardship missing your loved one, constantly worrying of their well-being, but trying to be strong for your children and your family. Please know that we think of you and keep you in our prayers everyday. We live free because of the sacrifices your family makes for us and we can never repay you and your family for that. May God bless your wonderful family and bring your loved one home safe to you and your children.

The Marsh Family


Good Day,

You are not alone. You have the backing of a nation for what your spouse is doing. I myself have endured those long nights while my husband was deployed. The days seem to go by slow but just know, you are not alone.

I hope for a safe, quick and heartwarming return for your loved one!

God Bless!

Brittany M.
Marine Wife


Dear Spouse,

Thank you for your service to our country and supporting your husband or wife in their career. I know it is a tough job to be a military spouse. You are dealing with things that others truly have no idea about whether a stateside assignment or a deployment outside of the US - there is so much involved in your every day preparing. You live a life of "anything and everything can happen at any time". I grew up a Navy Brat, joined the Navy, married a Marine and spent 20 years as a Marine spouse until he retired. Stay strong, enjoy life, find the happy and the good at every duty station - it beats not being happy :). You are definitely one of the few!

Peggy Whitcomb, Marine Corps Spouse


To all my fellow military spouses:

I see you. I see you every day doing everything you can to support your service members and your families.

Maybe you knew exactly what you were about to do. Maybe, like me, this life came as a surprise to you because you never saw yourself even attempting it. Regardless of how you got here, there is no denying that this life is hard. Hard is almost an understatement. There are constant changes, there are constant unknowns, and there are constant uncertainties. Navigating this life, and sometimes your place in it, is hard.

This life may be hard, but, it is not impossible. That is what keeps us running in our everyday lives. Knowing that you can do it, knowing that you can make something amazing of this life, knowing that you can make a difference, however small, in the face of all the hard makes this totally worth it.

So, keep going, my fellow military spouses. Keep making everything you can of this life in spite of all the hard. I believe in you.


I want to say thank you to those at home. You make enormous sacrifices to support your military spouse. You keep the home fires burning, and keep the family going on your own. We say "thank you" for everything you do to support those to support us. All the best to all.


Just a quick note to let you know that your spouses deployments and/or moves can benefit your resume for employment.  I thought I would never get to the top of my career field because each time I made it to the management level, my husband got orders and we moved.  What I didn't see at the time was that I was building a strong resume!  As a purchasing/materials management professional, my husbands transfers were a blessing in disguise.  When we finally got to our final base, I had built a resume that included procurement and inventory management in several different industries - Aerospace, technology, education, and small business retail.  I had experience purchasing everything from cadavers for a school of nursing program to hi-tech chips, radio and television advertising spots, athletic equipment, lab equipment and everything in between.  Had it not been for his career mine might never have gotten off the ground.  I eventually reached the top leadership position I dreamed of and realized I never could have done it had it not been for those moves.  So...my message is to find a career you love and then embrace the moves. They are steps in helping you gain diverse work experience that most other candidates will never have which will speak volumes when you interview for that next position.  Thank you for YOUR service in the military as well.  You are a key reason your spouse can go and do what they do and be at peace knowing that you are there for them when they return. 


 Dear Military Spouse,

Thank you for your service!

I'm currently dating a Marine veteran. I met him several years after his active duty service, but his honor, sense of duty and love of country were crystal clear from the day I met him. I know for a fact that he's the type to run into danger and not away from it. He's the kind who would sacrifice himself for the greater good without a second thought in his head. It's just who he is.

I'm sure you're familiar with those qualities. The military calls to and brings together those who know our freedom isn't free - and wouldn't brush responsibility off on anyone else. Our military members, spouses like you, and families are doing what most of us are not. And it doesn't just make life better the citizens of the United States. Your work makes life better for people the world over.

I mention my Marine because dating one has often made me think of how I would cope if he were still active duty. I'm not sure I could, at least not with the strength and grace that so many like you do. I like to think that maybe, just maybe, I could get by if I had some way of knowing he was safe. I know you live without that basic need, one that most of us take for granted. Instead you chose the more difficult route. You chose to be and to love someone willing to make a difference in the world. And those aren't always the easiest traits to have or to love.

You, specifically, are our strength. Thank you for it! I do not take you for granted, and I'm thankful for you every day.


Letters of Gratitude: Letters to Military Spouses