Empowered Women Empower: Tysha Hallman


Name: Tysha Hallman
Company: Tysha Hallman Photo
Year Started: 2016
Based In: Sanford, North Carolina
Military Affiliation: Air Force

First, tell us a little bit about yourself and your company.
I was born and raised in Central Pennsylvania where I married my high school sweetheart. I’ve always had a love for all different types of art mediums, but the art of photography was always the thing that really called my name.  Flash forward to marriage and a baby, we got orders to the tiny island of Guam. I was inspired by my son, and the desire to document every single little movement he made. Since then, I continued to shoot like crazy.  Constantly scouting locations, thinking of ideas and concepts to create.  In addition to my gigantic love of photography… I am also a huge animal rights enthusiast, and a lover of turtles, movies,  and aviator sunglasses.

Why did you choose entrepreneurship?  It chose me more then I chose it.  I wouldn’t be able to work for someone else and not be able to be in full control of the style and content I was photographing.

How has being a military spouse affected your journey and your business? 
For me, being a military spouse and having my own business has been very positive. If it wasn’t for the military sending us to new places I wouldn’t have been able to meet such interesting and inspirational friends and photographers. I’m not sure where I would truly be in the photography world.

What were some of the big challenges you faced along the way? 
Right now the biggest challenge I’ve faced has been maintaining the business side of things. I’m not the most organized person and, of course, I rather just be creating. But I overcome this by setting time aside and getting everything taken care of so I have no worries when I’m shooting. It’s also very satisfying and rewarding to make things happen and watch your business grow. 

What was the defining moment that made you start your own company? Were you nervous about starting your own business or did it come naturally?  
Officially starting my own business was a long process of back-and-forth in my own head over a period of several years. The fear of failing always seemed to win, and I just brushed it aside and kept shooting, submitting my work and just creating. Finally after talking to a good friend, and fellow photographer, it began to click in my head that regardless if I fail, I fail, but at least I gave it a try.

How do you balance family life and your business?
That's another great thing about being a photographer and your own boss- you can literally make your own hours. I block out time for my family of course, and they are super supportive and understanding when I do have something going on that conflicts with our family life.

As we all know, starting a business takes a lot of time and dedication. What drives you to keep going?
My family is what ultimately drives me to keep my business going. Their approval and praise mean the world to me and hopefully I can turn my brand into something that can be kept in our family and possibly even passed down.   

What are some pieces of advice you can share with other women entrepreneurs?  Have a plan and keep setting goals for yourself. For me, it's not enough just to think it, I have to say it out loud and write it out. 

What do you love most about what you do?
There are so many reasons why I love what I do, but when it comes right down to it, I just simply love to create! Along with that, I love photographing great moments in people’s lives, and capturing authentic portraits of people, places and things. 

What is one of the most proud achievements of your career this far? 
It’s whenever I see photos of my work on peoples walls, or in photo albums, or in magazines. The appreciation for what I've created is everything!

How do you want to be remembered?
I’d really love to be remembered as someone who was passionate about what she did, a unique view and kind person. 

What's on the horizon for your company?
I will continue to shoot as much as possible and in addition to portrait sessions, I am working on concepts for a possible gallery series, and will be building a somewhat of a fine arts side of my brand.  

More about Tysha:

Starbucks order? I’m not a Starbucks chic - I love supporting local shop! But I always love a large vanilla chai with coconut milk.
Go-to workout? I love weightlifting!
Guilty pleasure? Oh man, the awful "real housewives of _____" shows. But they are so ridiculous its funny.
Your phone camera is filled with photos of... Photos of my kids!
If you could have dinner with any woman, who would it be and why?  I would love to see my Grandmothers again! They were both so different but so much alike and I can see myself in both of them. I would ask them a ton of questions!

Connect with Tysha:

Website | Instagram | Facebook