Empowered Women Empower: Dr. Patrice J. Carter, CPLC


Name: Dr. Patrice J. Carter, CPLC
Brand: Breakpoint Coaching and Carter Multimedia Consulting, Inc.
Year Started: 2009
Based In
Fayetteville, NC
Military AffiliationU.S. Army Reserves, CPT

First, tell us a little bit about yourself and your brand/company.
I am proud to share that through my company, Breakpoint Coaching, I offer professional life coaching services, motivational speaking, professional development workshops and my book, SUPERb Woman: From Bad Girl to God’s Girl. My mission and vision is to empower, equip and inspire other executives and entrepreneurs to live, love and lead authentically, transition boldly and breakthrough to new levels!

I am also the CEO of Carter Multimedia Consulting, Inc. in partnership with the love of my life, husband, Dalton Carter! We specialize in commercial drone operations and film and commercial video.

How has being a military spouse affected your journey?
I LOVE being a part of the military spouse sisterhood/community because I have found the answers to my prayers for community, sisterhood, next level inspiration and a place to offer my support, expertise and passion to encourage and empower others.

What have you learned from the challenges of being a military spouse and entrepreneur?
Challenges that I have overcome and this community have helped me to realize that I don’t have to fit a particular mold or demographic- that I am valuable just as I am and accepted as a member of the team with a place at the table and a voice that others want to hear. As a result, I have been inspired to take my coaching practice to the next level, take bolder risks to share my voice at speaking engagements and to connect with other milspopreneur powerhouses that inspire me to more- personally and professionally.

What is one of the most proud achievements of your career this far?
I am most proud of the opportunity to:
1. Use my gift of coaching to serve others.
2. To speak to women and help equip, inspire, motivate and encourage them.
3. To see the fruit of my interactions with others both personally and professionally through someone launching a business, ending a bad relationship, growing in their faith and in their confidence.

How do you want to be remembered?

I want to be remembered as a woman who gave all that I have and all that I am in pursuit of the call on my life to be a light, an encouragement and a resource in service to others.

What's on the horizon for Dr. Patrice J. Carter?

I have started the Breakpoint Coaching Collective that is a coaching school that will ultimately be an accredited organization where I will train, equip and certify other Christian Coaches.

As an Author, I am writing additional books and currently have six manuscripts in various stages of completion on books ranging from healing and restoration after divorce, biblical health and wellness and walking through depression into hope.

As a Speaker, I pray to continue to seek opportunities to empower, inspire and equip women locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

How do you balance family life and your business?

I believe that in all things we must have margins built into our life. I would say that this is a work in progress and one that I am constantly tweaking. Initially what comes to mind is being intentional to carve out time in my schedule for myself by seeking God through studying the bible, prayer and solitude and working out three times a week; by planning date nights with my husband on Fridays and watching movies with our son- family time. So far so good! 

A little more about Dr. Patrice J. Carter:

Coffee order? I am a localvore, so I only do local coffee shops! My favs are a 16oz coffee with two shots of espresso and I bring my own Caramel Macchiato International Delight creamer with a tsp of coconut oil and "I expect to be delighted"! 
Go-to workout? I (HEART) fitness and my go to workouts are at the local YMCA where I dance the night away in Zumba class and I also do the Jersey Girl workout with free weights! 
Guilty Pleasure? Dark Chocolate with bits of raspberry from Aldi's and Netflix on the sofa with my love, Dalton or family nights on Fridays with our son, Miles. 
Your phone camera is filled with photos ofvegan meals that I've cooked to use in my new book! 
If you could have dinner with any woman, who would it be and why? My mom and my sister whom I love so much and don't see as often as I would like just to spend time together laughing and cutting up, and Michelle O'bama for real! We would discuss fashion, white house shenanigans, raising teenagers and her organization, United State of Women.


Connect with Dr. Patrice J. Carter

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Empowered Women Empower: Dr. Patrice J. Carter, CPLC

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