Sarah M. / RR076

Name: Sarah M
Year started at R.Riveter: 2016 
Position: Liner Riveter 
Military Affiliation: My husband is active duty Army.
Current Base/Station: Fort Bragg, NC

First, tell us a little bit about yourself. 
North Carolina is my home. My Dad retired from the Navy and my parents, sister and I are polar opposites but best friends. I graduated from a private, Christian school and married one of my twelve (yes, 12) classmates. We have been married for seven years. I attended UNC Chapel Hill for a Biology degree and Armstrong Atlantic State University for my Bachelors in Nursing. My full-time job is a Recovery Room nurse at FirstHealth in Pinehurst. 
Why did you join R.Riveter?
My mother in law first told me about R. Riveter. She knows I am a crafty, DIY-er gal. She thought I would be interested in one of the purses. I checked out the website, fell in love with the purses and the mission and on a whim applied for a remote job. 
How has being a military spouse affected your journey and your career?
Being a military spouse has forced me to be flexible; flexible with my time, plans, vacations, expectations etc. Living away from home and my husband's deployments have also made me extremely thankful for family and friends.
How has R.Riveter affected your life?
Working for R. Riveter has introduced and included me into a wonderful group of people. I am now vigilant and search out other military spouses or veteran-owned companies to support.
What do you love most about what you do?
Sewing is an outlet for me. I know the patterns by heart so I can sit down at my machine, get lost in piecing together liners and not have to think about anything else. Of course, the products and R. Riveter community make the job even sweeter!

Favorite R.Riveter Product:
The Hobby- I can fit all my stuff and a diaper and wipes!

Favorite R.Riveter Marketplace Item:
Charliemadison Army bracelet

First Job:
4H camp counselor

Growing up you wanted to be:
A flight attendant!

What advice would you give your younger self?
Your parents really do offer sound advice and want the best for you.

Best thing about the R.Riveter Community?
Belonging to a group of hardworking and talented women. 

What is one of your most proud moments at R.Riveter?
I was super excited to watch R. Riveter on Shark Tank for their one year update. I felt so proud to be a part of it
Favorite part about working at R.Riveter?
My favorite is when people compliment my R. Riveter purse, then I have an opportunity to tell them about it.

What are you "in it" for? 
I love the community: military wives making an impact.