Jenn S. / RR131

Name: Jenn S.
Year Started at R.Riveter: 2016
Position: Remote Leather Riveter 
Military Affiliation: Army 
Current Base: Fort Sill, OK

First, tell us a little bit about yourself.
I have been affiliated with the ARMY as a Spouse for over 20 years. My degree was in Physical Therapy and had to let that go after meeting my husband, moving from duty station to duty station and having our four kids.

Why did you join R.Riveter?
I joined R.Riveter when we moved here to our last ARMY duty station, Fort Sill OK. One of my really close friends, Erika, said “Jenn I have the perfect job for you” She told me about the company and what she did and I was truly amazed by this organization, its mission and really what it stood for. I had to jump at the chance. Working at my own pace, out of our own quarters, with my own hours, and still able to juggle “Mom and ARMY” expectations is definitely a major factor in why I love my job.

What is one of your most proud moments at R.Riveter?
I have a few proud moments when it comes to R. Riveter and my job. The first is the excitement to complete a monster order, it is shipped out heading your way, and you get a “High Five” from your boss when she receives it. Another proud moment is when you receive a shipment of your new purse with your own hard work put into it. The fact that I can bring a little something to the table when it comes to running a house hold financially. When our leaders Cameron and Lisa presented to Shark Tank and won over Mark Cuban, that is truly an accomplishment in its self. Lastly, the new people I have met at R. Riveter, not face to face, but via conversations, that pull this whole team together

Favorite R.Riveter handbag?
My favorite handbag I have to say was gifted to me, the Hobby. But then again I just purchased the Otto with my own “RR131” on the leather parts and that too is my favorite

Fun Fact about yourself?
I tend to have a lot of energy and dabble into all kinds of things to keep busy. From running at 5:30 AM with the pups, being a Wellness Advocate for DoTERRA , volunteering with the Booster clubs for kids sports, watching BRAVO TV and gardening is kinda like my therapy or should I say another challenge for me here in Oklahoma.
